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A Primary Mark of a Christian

On the night before Jesus went to the Cross, he washed his disciples' feet and instructed them into a life of loving service. In his parables, Jesus told his followers that whatever we do for one in need, we do for Jesus.


Service is an important activity at Trinity, and we try to offer numerous opportunities every year for people of all ages to serve. Sunday school classes have a day over service every six weeks or so. We reach out to our community to discover the needs in our community. Members sing every Christmas until their voices are gone as we carol to homebound members. We've prepared and served meals at soup kitchens, lead worship at nursing homes, picked up rocks along trails, painted, cleaned, built, knit, baked, fundraised, and taken service trips.


We are a people who love to serve and serve to love.

God's Work, Our Hands Sunday

Every year in September, ELCA congregations throughout the country plan a day of service. People from nearly 10,000 congregations join together to do God's work wherever we are.


One of the favorite activities on that day in Upper Bucks is a joint effort between numerous congregations to pack 30,000 to 40,000 meals in one afternoon. Some years we pack meals for international needs, and other years we pack them for local needs. It is a service party, because even though it's hard work, it is a celebration to realize you're going to be feeding so many hungry people through the effort of just a few hours.

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