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A Living Nativity

A Story of Hope. Hope, in the form a of a baby, God’s Son, sent to save the world.

As our church family prepared to share this story of Hope, we felt many of the same feelings portrayed by the characters we played. Uncertainty, Wonder, Fear, Joy & Hope. When the angel appeared to Mary to share the good news, she was unsure how or why she was chosen and if she would be able to do the job she was chosen for. Mary and Joseph did not know how they would be accepted, because they were not married. The town was so crowded they did not know where they would find lodging. The shepherds wanted to visit the new born king, but they were the poorest of the poor; would they be accepted? What would the Magi find by following that star? Hoping not to make any mistakes, forget a cue, sing a wrong note, or use the wrong motions, the cast accepted the challenge of sharing the Story of Hope.

There was wonder all around. Mary’s wonder, as the angel said to her “Rejoice, Mary! The Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women! Fear not, for thou has found favor with the Lord. Behold! Thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son! The anointed one! The Christ! And thou shalt call his name Jesus.” Wonder at the birth of the Baby Jesus (portrayed by one of our youngest members). The miracle of birth was celebrated by the Choir leading everyone in singing Silent Night.

“Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men” filled the heavens as the angels and choir announced the birth. They were afraid they would forget their lines and motions. But they calmed the fears of the shepherds and urged them to go find the baby and worship him. And their message was shared in full ASL, allowing even a deaf child in the audience to be caught up in the wonder.

What joy Mary and Joseph felt with this precious gift they were given. Shepherds, Kings and even a Drummer Boy brought their gifts to honor Baby Jesus. All who came to see the Christ Child were welcomed at this Joyous event.

“Thus did a new chapter in the life of Man-kind open; One with endless promise, divine mercy and eternal Hope! JOY TO THE WORLD THE LORD IS COME."


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