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Music Ministry



Due to COVID our regular choir rehearsals have been suspended.


Our regular choir meets weekly on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the evenings. A small but dedicated group of vocalists prepare a selection for nearly every Sunday of the year, taking a break over the summer for a few months to rest our voices.

Special Music

Throughout the year, we have a variety of special music. We work with the Sunday school kids to prepare a piece, we welcome soloists and instrumentalists, and go Christmas caroling, and more.


If you'd like to offer some special music in worship or another time, please simply let our music director know!

Living Nativity

Each "Living Nativity" year, we organize a special choir. This choir is composed of our regular choir members, plus additional voices from our congregation and the community. Even if you're not part of Trinity but you'd like to help us tell the story of Jesus' birth, you are invited be a part of this special choir.


© 2019 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)


2170 Route 212, Coopersburg, PA 18036-9770

610.346.7282 or

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