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Our Ministries

The ministries at Trinity are constantly changing in response to the needs of the community and how we feel God is calling us to serve. Below are some of our ministries that have become staple activities of our congregation. The need to grow in faith, spend time in fellowship, and share the Gospel never end.

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. (September through May) we offer faith formation for people of all ages. The exact breakdown of age groups varies from year to year as the needs change, but we strive have Sunday morning faith formation opportunities for all ages. Adults meet to discuss how faith intersects with their lives and the world, and youth gather to hear and learn the basic stories of faith.

Youth Group

Every other week, the teens gather together for Bible study, food, and fun. We engage topics that are relevant for teenagers, and we have a lot of fun doing it.


In addition, every year we go to multiple places, including to concerts, soup kitchens, weekend mission trips, and more.

The Primetimers gather on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for food, sometimes an informative speaker, and fellowship.


The Primetimers is open to anyone who is available at noon to eat, but is generally for those who are approaching or have surpassed the age of retirement.

Monthly Bible Studies

A ministry to the members of the congregation, the McConnell Fund provides financial support to all people to go to camps, go on mission trips, attend workshops and conferences, or otherwise engage in activities that will enhance the ministry of the congregation. The Fund also supports members as they attend college.

The McConnell Fund

We currently have two monthly Bible Studies, one on the 1st Thursday at Taps on 378 and one on the 3rd Thursday at Becker's Corner at the corner of Old Bethlehem and 563.


We're always looking to form new Bible Study groups, with the goal that all of our members and many of our friends are digging into their faith every month.


© 2019 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)


2170 Route 212, Coopersburg, PA 18036-9770

610.346.7282 or

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