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Youth Faith Formation

Sunday School

Sunday School meets every Sunday (September through May) at 9:15 a.m. during our worship service.


At Trinity, we teach our children the stories and basic building blocks of faith (the Lord's Prayer, the 10 Commandments, the Creed), but we don't stop there.


We also teach them how they can use their faith. We guide them in prayer each week and we set aside Sundays throughout the year to practice Christian service.


We hope children who attend our Sunday School not only know what their faith is, but also have the tools to have an active faith in love throughout their lives.


When our youth reach 6th or 7th grade, we ask them to participate in our confirmation program. Confirmation is a time of deeply exploring our faith and pondering "What does it mean for ME to be a Christian?"


At the end of confirmation, teens are invited to affirm their baptisms, claiming for themselves the faith God has bestowed upon them.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Every summer, we have a week of vacation bible school (VBS) for our youth. This is a beloved event among the children every year, and we look forward to it each time.


© 2019 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)


2170 Route 212, Coopersburg, PA 18036-9770

610.346.7282 or

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